Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

Every year for Memorial Day we go up to Twin Falls, Idaho to visit Grandma Hogan. We usually spend one day at her house, then the next day we take a long trip across Idaho to Soda Springs, stopping in Lund, Bancroft, and Chesterfield along the way. In Soda Springs we have lunch with grandmas cousins, Neal and Diane. It was a fun trip but a little exhausting with the two little ones. Thank goodness for portable DVD players. Lol.

Playing on a bench at a rest stop.

Maddison was enjoying the trip. :)

Pretty Clouds
Everyone at Canyon Crest Lookout (Overlooking the snake river)

The view from Canyon Crest Lookout

Maddison playing with Grandpa

It was raining, but the sky was gorgeous blue

Addy was REALLY smelling the flowers. Lol.

At Canyon Crest there were a whole bunch of little streams and water fountains. They were gorgeous

More of the view from Canyon Crest

This is Kyle's Grandpa's headstone.

This is Kyle's Aunt Audrene's headstone.

Matt and Michelle, my brother and sister in-law

I love this picture especially since I have a picture from Memorial Day last year of Addy in the same spot. :)

Addy managed to lock herself outside and instead of being a nice mommy and letting her in, I just took pictures. lol.

Outside of the restraunt in Soda Springs

Friday, May 2, 2008

Playing at Payson Park

We went to play at the park the other day and I just wanted to share some pictures.

Addy just loves the slide!

Sliding again.

Trip to Salem Pond

Recently I met a new friend online and she started a Utah Valley Playgroup. Our group had its first get together on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun. Kyle was able to come with us, as was the hubby of my friend. There was one other mom there with her little girl. We Had pizza and cookies for lunch, fed the ducks and some HUGE fish that were in the pond, then played football. It was a blast!

See the big old gold fish there! They were all massive like that! But most of them were brown. Lol.

Addy had a lot of fun playing on the playground. She had a hard time with the bridge though. Bigger kids kept running over it and making it shake! :(

This was the other girl that was there. Addy was sharing the football with her. They were so cute together.