Thursday, April 24, 2008

Grandma Linnea Hogan's Visit

Grandma Linnea came for a visit the weekend of April 13th. Here are some pictures.

Grandma Nea and her great-grandkids, Maddison and Addy

Grandma and Maddison

Funky face from Maddison

My little ham! Addy loves the camera.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Kyle's mom Lisa, has been doing really great at her diet and exercise and has successfully lost 126 lbs (Good job mom!) So Matt and Michelle (Kyle's brother and his wife) decided to throw a party for her. So we went bowling at Fatcats in Provo. It was pretty fun. Kyle's grandma from Idaho was able to come too because shes in town for the weekend. It was Addy's first time bowling. She enjoyed it for the first game or two but then got bored. Lol. Maddison was cute as ever.

Matt (Uncle Batman) helping Addy bowl
First time we caught Maddison smiling on camera. She was smiling at Grandpa.
My sweet hubby Kyle. Such good form. :)
"Wo!" Look at it go!
Wide eyed Maddie